Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Best ever-flowering climbers for a tropical garden

In the tropics it is possible to make an ever-flowering garden using ever-flowering plants. Among the most spectacular of such plants are 20 species of ever-flowering climbers. These are  described and illustrated in the December 2016 issue of the UTAR Agriculture Science Journal that can be obtained by logging into

All these climbers may be viewed at the Secret Garden of 1 Utama in Kuala Lumpur except for the stephanotis which died last month. To my regret I failed to propagate it when I had the chance. Now I have to hunt for another plant. Last week I removed the Indian morning glory Ipomoea indica when I discovered that it was threatening to take over the whole garden by producing long runners that were spreading and branching underground. I will have to replant this in an isolated garden bed.